A downloadable tool for Windows

Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

This software allows you to play a multitude of classic games on an array of computers and  consoles.

The emulators contained here within operate under the GNU General Public Licenses or Shareware Licenses.

All emulators provided are non-commercial and are all freely available for download from various internet resources.

Illegal game ROMS and Illegal BIOS ROMS are not supplied with Emultivator.

Emultivator does include helpfiles to assist in the acquisition of ALL necessary ROMS.

Emultivator developer(s) are unable to provide and ROMS of any nature for any reason.

Emultivator does not condone the illegal dispensation of games and encourages purchasing of legitimate software.

Emultivator acts as a Front-End to the following gaming systems and/or computers :-

  1. 1981   BBC Micro
  2. 1982   ZX Spectrum
  3. 1982   Commodore 64
  4. 1983   NES
  5. 1983   MSX
  6. 1985   Amiga 500 / 1200
  7. 1990   Sega Genesis
  8. 1990   Atari Lynx
  9. 1990   SNES
  10. 1992   Game Gear
  11. 1994   Atari Jaguar
  12. 1994   Playstation 1
  13. 1997   N64
  14. 2000   Playstation 2
  15. 2002   Game Cube /Wii
  16. 2004   NDS
  17. 2005   PSP
  18. 1970+ Arcade (MAME)

No illegal ROMS are provided with this software, but the ability to install them at your own discretion, in a respectful and non-copyright violating manner, is made possible through simple to follow and intuitive interface design methods.

Some software companies and programmers have granted access to use their games or BIOS files without threat of legal actions; software of this nature IS included.  

Lawfully I am breaking none in creating this software and personally I was highly inspired by the commodore from the age 12 and was held captive in mental acclimation; now, some 32 years later, I have spent a lot of my life getting to understand computers.

The software is at the stage of full functionality and now my next actions are to make this software known world wide; this is where the power of YOU, the individual can assist; if you are like minded when considering that OODLES and OODLES of mega-fantastic, awe inspiring games from decades ago should be shared and interspersed into the futuristic, battlefield called the current day game market.  — I would much rather my son collect flashing objects in Jet Set Willy or Manic Miner on the C64; or search out the caves of Finders Keepers on the ZX Spectrum, or jostle  and jump about in colourful worlds such as seen in the likes of James Pond, Fire and Ice or Ruff ‘n’ Tumble (all amiga).

I hope you enjoy this site and consider attaining your own copy of Emultivator.  Please refer to other sections of the website for screenshots and other information.

 Simple, effective and logical…

SMAZOGZ Emultivator gives its users an easy to operate interface and offers access to thousands of games released on the consoles and computers of yesterday.

This software does not emulate any software itself, it merely acts as a graphical user interface (GUI).  It uses a pre-allocated directory structuring system which is pliable in its placement; ensuring file system stability.

Built in functionality uses specific command line flags which automatically runs the game then emulator in a full screen window.

We appreciate that all the emulators are Freeware and all operate under the GNU GPL.  The only reason I am charging for software as it is worthy of a price tag; it took months to work out how to get everything running smoothly.

Ideally we would like to sell this with ALL the Roms and BIOS Roms but for legality reasons this us an achievable goal, what we can do though is to provide you, the end-user with the option to acquire the Game Roms and BIOS Roms based on the specific systems and software you specifically own.

SMAZOGZ Emultivator hopes users will donate to the people and organisations who developed the Emulators and is happy to answer any questions.  Additionally if you are an owner of one of the used emulators and do not condone its inclusion in this product down please email me directly.  It is my aim and ambition to bring the old games from the early years of computing back to life so as to create a warming friendliness amongst us all.  I do not wish to violate any copyrights and all works external from the Multivator executable remain the copyright of their original owners.  We accept no responsibility for how this software is used.



Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

SmazogzEmultivator.exe 4.3 GB
Version 1

Development log


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This is excellent, it is so easy and quick to play all those games from the early times of computing.  Love it.